City Slave Girls: Opinions of Prominent Men on How To Remedy the Great Evils of Female and Child Labor

J. McGregor Adams Says that Stringent Laws Should be Enacted and Immigration Restricted

Byline: J. McGregor; 1888-08-21; Chicago Times; pages 1-2

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"I can't speak as freely about female as I can male labor," said one manufaturer."Why not?"  "Well, women are different from men.  That remark is not original, but it is a basic truth and one which all employers must recognize. Without mincing matters, and confidentiality, I will say to you that women who do men's work are not worth as much as men to the employers of labor.

Description:Commentary on the Times's series on female labor conditions in Chicago.

Rights: public domain

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Heading of the Chicago Times article titled, "City Slave Girls: Opinions of Prominent Men on How To Remedy the Great Evils of Female and Child Labor." Written by J. McGregor Adams.

Additional Media

Chicago Times article titled, "City Slave Girls: Opinions of Prominent Men on How To Remedy the Great Evils of Female and Child Labor." Written by J. McGregor Adams.