City Slave Girls: Milton George Believes that Education Will Surely Solve the Wage Question

Women Should Seek More Congenial Employment than is Offered By The Shop or Factory

Byline: Milton George, Nell Nelson; 1888-08-28; Chicago Times; pages 1-2

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Milton George, editor of the Western Rural, an agricultural paper, was raised on a farm and loves the country, though he works in the city. "I have made a study of the labor question," he said, "more on behalf of the farmer than of the factory and shop girls, having been a farmer myself and consequently being

Description:Commentary on the City Slave Girls series from the Times

Rights: public domain

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Heading of the Chicago Times commentary on the City Slave Girls series by Milton George and Nell Nelson.

Additional Media

Chicago Times commentary on the City Slave Girls series by Milton George and Nell Nelson.