"The Mirage Non-Award" - Columbia Journalism Review

Byline: Edward W. Barrett; 1979-09-01; Columbia Journalism Review; pages p. 20

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"The reasoning of the board majority, according to abundant leaks, was that the Sun-Times report involved deception bordering on entrapment . . . This writer must question the wisdom of the majority. The central issue is: how else could such corruption be exposed? If the reporters had simply quizzed bar owners, none would have provided documented evidence on the record. If one had, he'd soon have been out of business. Moreover, there are ample defensible precedents for judicious use of the technique. . . . Believing the Mirage case to be well within the bounds of responsible, defensible conduct, this column offers its own imaginary award to the Chicago Sun-Times for service to its community."

Description:Publisher's note questioning the judgment and opposing the decision of the Pulitzer board to overlook the Chicago Sun-Times Mirage tavern sting and offering the newpaper an imaginary award from CJR.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

Article in Columbia's Journalism Review titled, "The Mirage Non-Award." Written by Edward W. Barrett.