Byline: Paul Galloway; 1978-02-01; The Quill; pages pp13-16
Tags: Chicago Sun-Times, expose, Mirage, Pamela Zekman, tavern
". . . [S]uch a rich vein of dishonesty was mined that the revelations ran for four weeks. The Mirage became the best known bar in Chicago . . . Its fame went beyond the city limits. Newspapers, magazines and radio networks . . . did stories and interviews. CBS's '60 Minutes' featured the Mirage and so did 'The Today Show' on NBC. Time and Newsweek wrote about it . . . The wire services and scores of U.S. newspapers ran articles. "Readers were fascinated and outraged . . . The Mirage series grabbed Chicago by the shirt collar and shook it, and much of the impact and success could be attributed to the newspaper's departure from conventional investigative techniques. . . ."
Description:A story about the Chicago Sun-Times Mirage expose and its outsized impact.
Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.