"Shakedown Time Again" - Mirage - Chicago Sun-Times

Also -- "Shakeup vowed by city building chief"

Byline: Pamela Zekman, Zay N. Smith; 1978-01-12; Chicago Sun Times; pages 1, 17, 18

Report: "The Mirage" - Pamela Zekman, Zay N. Smith - Chicago Sun Times

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"The plumbing contractor walked into the Mirage and presented his bill for $375. "The bill wasn't itemized -- and for good reason. It covered labor, materials and a $50 payoff to the city plumbing inspector.... "

Description:Part V in the Sun-Times Mirage tavern sting to expose corruption and fraud among city inspectors.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

Chicago Sun-Times article titled, "Shakedown Time Again." Written by Pamela Zekman and Zay N. Smith as part of the Mirage Tavern sting series.