"'Premises Clean: 2 City Health Aides OK Food Amid Filth" - Mirage - Chicago Sun-Times

Byline: Pamela Zekman, Zay N. Smith; 1978-01-18; Chicago Sun Times; pages p. 36-37

Report: "The Mirage" - Pamela Zekman, Zay N. Smith - Chicago Sun Times

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"Chicago taxpayers spend more than $15 million a year on salaries for inspectors who are supposed to keep business establishments sanitary and safe. The Mirage, through four months, never received an honest and thorough inspection of any kind."

Description:Part X of the Chicago Sun-Times Mirage Tavern sting, exposing fraud and corruption among city inspectors.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

Chicago Sun-Times article titled, "'Premises Clean: 2 City Health Aides OK Food Amid Filth." Written by Pamela Zekman and Zay N. Smith as part of the Mirage Tavern sting series.