IA-"'Old Man' Headed Team in 6-Week Investigation" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

Byline: Nat Caldwell; 1968-03-31; The Nashville Tennessean; pages 1

Report: "The Abandoned Generation" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

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"On Feb. 21, a white-haired, bearded, stooped 'old' man limped on an aluminum crutch into a modern nursing home in Charlotte, N.C., in company with a young lady who is his cousin."Thirty minutes later reporter Nat Caldwell of The Nashville Tennesseean was admitted to the nursing home as "Green Caldwell" (Green is his middle name) and he began playing a role which was to take him on a six-week investigation of nursing homes in the Nashville area. "His investigation saw him admitted to three homes here, posing as an elderly, arthritic and eccentric citizen without an immediate family. . . ."

Description:Part II in Nat Caldwell's nursing home investigation.

Rights: copyright, Nashville Tenneessean