Byline: Augustus St. Clair; 1871-08-23; The New York Times; pages 6
Report: "The Evil of the Age" - Augustus St. Clair - New York Times
Tags: Abortion, abortionists, infanticide, posed as
Article Links"The enormous amount of medical malpractice that exists and flourishes, almost unchecked in the City of New York, is a theme for most serious consideration. Thousands of human beings are thus murdered before they have seen the light of this world, and thousands upon thousands more of adults are irremediably ruined in constitution, health and happiness. So secretly are these crimes committed and so crafily do the perpetrators inveigh their victims, that it is next to impossible to obtain evidence and witnesses. Facts are so artfully concealed from the public mind, and appearances so carefully guarded, that very meagre outlines of the horrible truth have thus far been disclosed. But could even a portion of the facts that have been detected in frightful profusion, by the agents of the TIMES, be revealed in print, in their hideous truth, the reader would shrink from the appalling picture. . . "
Description:St. Clair and a lady friend pose as a couple in search of someone to perform an abortion in an undercover expose of the trade.
Rights: public domain