VI-"Infanticide" - Unsigned - Chicago Daily Times

"The President of the Medico-Legal Society Indorses 'The Times'; Approbation from a Quarter Where the Imperative of the Disclosures Is Understood; The Girl Reporter's Narrative Continued and More Startling Revelations Made; Physicians Who Stand Among the Highest Detected in Their Crimes; A Brief Resume of the Work Done UP to Date by the Inquiry of This Newspaper; The Inquiry Will Be Extended and Bring About Serious Consequences for Some of the Doctors"

Byline: Unsigned; 1888-12-17; Chicago Daily Times; pages 1

Report: "Infanticide" - Unsigned - Chicago Daily Times

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"It has been noticed by readers of The TImes that while some of the physicians already approached declined to commit child murder themselves they very kindly suggested the names of other practitioners who would be accommodating in that direction. . . . "


Rights: Public domain

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