XII-"Infanticide" - Unsigned - Chicago Daily Times

"The Girl Reporter of 'The Times' Takes in a Batch of Physicians; Several of Them Prove to Be More than Willing to Commit Abortion; Some Ready and Anxious to Proceed with the Horrible Crime Without Any Delay; Prominent Physicians Who Have Not the Stamina to Stand Up for What They Know to Be Right; Among Them Drs. Knoll, Carr, Davis, Atwood, Tooker, and Sharpe; The Black List Rapidly Growing Larger--A Corrected Classification Up to Date; What 'The Times' Started Out to Do and What It Hopes to Accomplish Through This Inquiry; Letters Sustaining the Crusade Received from Nearly Every Reputable Physician in the City"

Byline: Unsigned; 1888-12-23; Chicago Daily Times; pages 9

Report: "Infanticide" - Unsigned - Chicago Daily Times

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"...The work of exposure is not more than half-done. The pressure upon the columns of THE TIMES is so great from day to day that it is impossible to give more than a few specimen visits. Besides, it is necessary or at least advisable that as those cases are published the public may have an opportunity of digesting them thoroughly. To publish the list complete would have the effect of contesting the poular mid, the matter would soon blow over, and perhaps in a short time be forgotten."The newspaper instituted the investigation not for the purpose of creating a sensation but a mere performance of duty from which it felt, in view of the testimony sent in by reputable physicians from time to time, it could not shrink, nor is it the intention of THE TIMES now to permit this matter to drop until the real purposes for which the crusade was inaugurated shall have been consummated. One of these purposes will be found in an editorial in THE TIMES of today. It is believed that the honest people of Chicago will provide without further delay for a lying-in hospital, where girls in disgrace or married women in poverty may find a refuge in case of necessity. Another object in view is an amendment to the state law relating to medical colleges which will make legal the revocation of licenses issued to doctors after they shall have committed an offense of a criminal nature. Another is the creation of a widespread interest in a subject which demands of every honorable man and woman and every lover of this republic the most thoughtful attention that they can bestow upon it, with the view of driving out or at least checking to a great extent the monstrous social evil which if allowed to increase in the future as it has in the past, will result in the demoralization and the degeneration of the American people."


Rights: Public domain

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