I-"The King of the Lobby" - Nellie Bly - New York World

Edward R. Phelps Caught in a Neatly Laid Trap; Nellie Bly's Interesting Experience in Albany; How the Lobby King Contracts to Kill Bills for Cash; Dealing with Legislators as with Purchasable Chattels; Phelps Furnishes 'The World' with a List of Assembly Commissioners Who Are Bribable; His Agreement to Kill Assembly Bill No. 191 for $5,000; Afterwards Concludes to Take Less; The Check to Be Made Out to His Side Partner, J.W. Chesbrough; "I Have Control of the House and Can Pass or Kill Any Bill"; A Revelation of Baseness that Should Fill the State with Indignation; The Watch Here

Byline: Nellie Bly; 1888-04-01; New York World; pages 19:1

Report: Nellie Bly and Other Stunt Girls (and Boys) of the Late 1880s-Early 1900s

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"I was a Lobbyist last week. I went up to Albany to catch a professional briber in the act. I did. . . . ."From the precede: "To Nellie Bly was entrusted the by no means easy task of not only discovering who was at the head of the 'Third House' but of receiving detailed and exact evidence of how bills are killed or forced through the Legislature. This mission Nellie Bly undertook and carried through with success at every point."

Description:Bly's expose of Albany's Lobby King, Edward Phelps, by posing as a prospective client who, on behalf of her husband's business, wanted to get a bill killed.

Rights: Public domain.

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Bly's expose of Albany's Lobby King, Edward Phelps, by posing as a prospective client who, on behalf of her husband's business, wanted to get a bill killed.

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Bly's expose of Albany's Lobby King, Edward Phelps, by posing as a prospective client who, on behalf of her husband's business, wanted to get a bill killed.