"Gotcha!" - Robert Lissit - AJR

"Prime-Time Live" popularized the use of hidden cameras and local stations rely on them for dramatic, high-impact footage. Their prevalence has provoked debate over how and whether they should be used – and lawsuits.

Byline: Robert Lissit; 1995-04-01; American Journalism Review; 

Report: Undercover Journalism Debated

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"Steele thinks hidden cameras can serve a valuable purpose, but says that 'journalists have misused and overused [them]. They're an important tool to have in a journalistic bag, but we should use them judiciously, conservatively and with the recognition that the stakes are very high, because the consequences for those individuals who are the subject of hidden cameras can be dire and the impact on journalistic credibility profound.'"

Description:Robert Lissit examines many different stories involving hidden cameras used in news media.

Rights: Copyrighted, permission pending.