Byline: Russ Baker; 1995-03-01; Columbia Journalism Review; pages pp. 15-18
Tags: hidden cameras
". . .Last summer, a California jury decided the show's use of 'hat-cam' hidden-cameras violated the privacy of the plaintiffs, two men who gave readings, and in what seems to be the first such decision against a newsmagazine show, awarded them more than $1,000,000 in actual and punitive damages. Now the judge is threatening further steps, in a state noted for its tough attitude toward clandestine recording. The case is likely to cast a shadow across the lenses of TV's powerful hidden-camera tools. . ."
Description:ABC's "PrimeTime Live" has violated state privacy laws and has been assessed $1,000,000 for its use of hidden cameras.
Rights: Copyrighted, permission pending.