"The Media's Intrusion on Privacy: Protecting Investigative Journalism" - C. Thomas Dienes - The George Washington Law Review

Byline: C. Thomas Dienes; 1999-06-01; The George Washington Law Review; pages 1139

Report: Legal and Scholarly Analysis and Commentary

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". . .In 1904, the Muckraker journalist, Upton Sinclair, went undercover as a meat packer to expose conditions in the Chicago slaughterhouses. His findings, documented in The Jungle, provided impetus for adoption of federal food and drug legislation

Description:C. Thomas Dienes discusses Professor Smolla's paper on media's privacy limitations and the law in a panel on 'protecting investigative journalism'.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

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C. Thomas Dienes discusses Professor Smolla's paper on media's privacy limitations and the law in a panel on 'protecting investigative journalism'.