III-"Stepping Back: Still a Stranger In Their Midst" - Vivian S. Toy - Milwaukee Joural

Students Wary of Principal; Most Teens Shun Drugs at School; But Dealers Are Widely Known and Do Business in the Open

Byline: Vivian S. Toy; 1986-10-28; Milwaukee Journal; pages Metro Page, jumps

Report: "Scenes of Senior High" - Vivian S. Toy - Milwaukee Journal

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"The new principal at St. Francis High School stands in the lobby at the front of the stairs before school, after school and between classes. . .. "

Description:Part Three of Vivian Toy's report of her sojourn in the guise of a Milwaukee high school student.

Rights: Copyrighted, permission pending.

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Part Three of Vivian Toy's report of her sojourn in the guise of a Milwaukee high school student.