Byline: Catherine King; 1898-07-26; New York Evening World;
Report: Living Poor - Charles Garrett and Catherine King - New York World
Tags: Catherine King, shopgirl
"I started out early one morning to find work as a shopgirl. It has always seemed to me that there must be plenty of opportunities in the big stores for women and girls who are willing to work. . ."
Description:"How can a woman, suddenly thrown upon her own resources, become a bread-winner in New York City? It is not a new question. Hundreds of women try to answer it every day in the week. Young girls starting out in life, whose parents are already overburdened with household cares and expenses, women who seek to support themselves honorably, even if their parents are able to help them, widows suddenly left without money enough for the rent and the week's provisions will learn from the actual experience of Catherine King, a women reporter for The Evening World, what are the chances of employment, the opportunities for advancement and the wages paid. Miss King has investigated many lines of business, and she will describe from day to day her work, her wages and how she was treated. Tomorrow's installment gives her experiences in a dairy lunch room."
Rights: Public domain.