Byline: Hugh Dellios, Lisa Anderson; 1998-03-15; The Chicago Tribune;
Tags: exposing fraud, Miracle merchants, Save the Children
Article Links"The Tribune's sponsored children in Africa did not fit the streotypes or even understanding the concept of being sponsored. For these two boys, the images presented to their sponsors didn't match the reality of their lives. Sponsored? News to him. Salvador Nhabangua does more than teach lessons in the crowded, open-air classrooms of the village school in Zongoene, Mozambique. He writes letters to America.Flashing a broad smile, the 44-year-old teacher cheerfully admits he composes most of the letters that purport to come from children in his classroom, who are among the 216 sponsored through Save the Children Federation Inc. in this farming community overlooking the Limpopo River. Nhabangua takes pride in the task. Unfortunately, he doesn't always take the time to discuss the letters with the children before he writes them. He says that an SCF staffer pays him $5 to $10 a month on an informal basis to write the notes. . ."
Description:The Chicago Tribune sponsored two children in Africa to investigate to workings of organizations such as Save the Children.
Rights: Copyrighted, permission pending.