"Food Lyin' and Other Buttafuocos" - Sandra Davidson - IRE Journal

Byline: Sandra Davidson; 1998-11-01; IRE Journal; 

Report: IRE Journal

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". . .If journalists continue to demonstrate the questionable ethics contained in the Food Lion case above, perphaps 'meat handling' should become a course in journalism schools' curricula. Treating subjects of stories as 'meat' or 'grist' for the journalism mill is unfortunately becoming a too common practice. This, of course, is not to say that all or majority  or even a large segment of journalists are behaving badly. But the taint from the few rubs off, and the odor is as foul as anything thr Food Lion reporters tried to uncover. . ." (IRE Journal's editors later apologized to ABC or the segment's producers for this piece. See "Apologies to ABC Producers" (http://dlib.nyu.edu/undercover/apologies-abc-producers-ire-journal-staff-ire-journal).  

Description:Sandra Davidson discusses the significance of the Food Lion case.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission. Courtesy of Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE).

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Sandra Davidson discusses the significance of the Food Lion case.