"The Amazon Archipelago" - Ida Ince - Critical Legal Thinking

Foreign workers at an Amazong 'labour camp' near Bad Hersfeld are subject to shocking and inhumane treatment.

Byline: Ida Ince; 2013-02-15; Critical Legal Thinking; 

Report: Other People's Work

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". . .Con­trol is abso­lute: the work­ers are under 24 hour sur­veil­lance. They work under guard, they eat at the guards’ behest. They travel under guard. They are put into and taken from their rooms by guards. If they are not ready on time, either because they are asleep or in the shower, the guards enter the cramped quar­ters to hurry them on their way. . ."

Description:A German television channel went undercover exposing the inhumane and shocking treatment foreign workers endured while being at Amazon's distribution warehouse in central Germany.

Rights: Access to online material.

Additional Media

Document about foreign workers at an amazon labor camp being subject to shocking and inhuman treatment