Byline: Eric Lipton; 2013-04-06; The New York Times;
Report: Uncloaking the Lobbyists
Tags: lobbying, lobbyists, Max Baucus, special interests, Washington lobbyists
Article Links"'It allows us to scare off opponents,' Mr. Wilkins told the group, which included former Baucus aides turned lobbyists, at a Capitol Hill townhouse owned by Federal Express. 'It is the basis of everything we do. So thank you for your support and everything you have done for Senator Baucus.'" A New York Times reporter in attendance was asked to leave the private event. . . . "
Description:New York Times reporter Eric Lipton slips into a private townhouse event as part of his reporting for a story on the Washington tax lobby. He is not questioned at the door but when asked to identify himself, he does, and is asked to leave.v
Rights: copyright, New York Times, used by permission