Byline: Raymond Rendleman; 2014-01-30; Pamplin Media;
Report: Homelessness, Down-and-Out, Broke
Tags: homeless, homelessness, panhandling, poverty
Article Links"Spears, 33, served for a year in the U.S. military's Iraq operations before using the 9/11 G.I. Bill to pay the costs for earnng an economics and political science degree from George Fox University this spring. "Standing for 80 hours on the OC exit ramp started as a project to satisfy his own curiosity during summer break before his senior year. With his eye-opening findings, he successfully raised $5,000 through an online kickstarter campaign to launch his literary career."
Description:Report on the undercover investigation of David P. Spears, who studied the profitability of panhandling by standing at an exit ramp off Interstate 205 in downtown Oregon City for 80 hours to assess modern urban charity. His 98-page study is titled "Exit Ramp: A Short Case Study of the Profitability of Panhandling."
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