"Guards Gloat Over Miseries of Immigrants" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

Guards Gloat Over Miseries of Immigrants: Mix Indecent Jest with Oaths of Command

Byline: Genevieve Forbes Herrick; 1921-10-22; Chicago Daily Tribune; pages 3

Report: U.S. Immigration and Ellis Island Series - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Tribune Undercover Immigration Reporting

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"'Damn you, you're in America now, get in line, d'ye hear? You're in America,' screams the illiterate, uncouth foreigner in charge fo the tender for Ellis Island, as he shoves us, a confused and stumbling mass of men, women and children, on to the upper platform of the ferry. About a third of our number get seats, the rest of us stand; crowded together in the narrow and dirty passage between the staircase and the benches. The floor is filthy."

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