'Rude Answers, If Any, The Rule At Ellis Island' - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

Rude Answers, If Any, The Rule At Ellis Island: No Effort to Cheer Way of Immigrants

Byline: Genevieve Forbes Herrick; 1921-10-24; Chicago Daily Tribune; pages 3

Report: U.S. Immigration and Ellis Island Series - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Tribune Undercover Immigration Reporting

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"As we climb the stairs we catch glimpses of cages and bars. Self-important officials, holding their jobs because there is an Ellis island, yell and scream at us because we are at Ellis island. The noise is deafening; the procession incessant. At last we aer shoved into a large room with rows of benches, each marked with a different number and accommodating about 100. At the end of each bench is a raised platform and a desk before which an inspector is supposed to sit."

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