Byline: Genevieve Forbes Herrick; 1921-10-26; Chicago Daily Tribune;
Report: U.S. Immigration and Ellis Island Series - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Tribune Undercover Immigration Reporting
Tags: immigration, posed as, Ellis Island
"After my 'forcible release' from Ellis island, I return the next day as an American citizen to see if I can gain protection from the American eagle. I learn that inasmuch as most of the people calling at the island to claim relatives or friends are without influence, money or position, the major 'minor' officials treat them as much as they treat the immigrants. We go first to the information desk, make inquiry, and receive a pass. We are then shoved into a large 'bull pen' enclosed with a high wire fence and guarded by impudent youths, who order us about, ignore our questions, and refuse us any accurate information."