"Erin Is A Land Of Manana For Emigrants" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

Erin Is A Land Of Manana For Emigrants: British and Irish Red Tape Delays Them

Byline: Genevieve Forbes Herrick; 1921-10-15; Chicago Daily Tribune; pages 1

Report: U.S. Immigration and Ellis Island Series - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Tribune Undercover Immigration Reporting

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"If 'twere done, 'twere well it were done quickly," is an axiom that cannot be applied in Ireland. So, between my determination to leave Wexford for america and my actual departure there is a long interval, made doubly long by doubts, disturbing stories of difficulties likely to befall me, and fear of the demands made by 'red tape.'"

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