Browse Reports

Subject is exactly prison
San Francisco Chronicle article titled, "Sex Fear Among the Cons." Written by Tim Findley as part of the "Behind Prison Bars" series.

"Behind Prison Bars" - Tim Findley & Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle prisons investigation involving undercover as a prisoner by Tim Findley and as a guard by Charles Howe.

"The Convicted" - R.H. Ring's and John S. Long - Arizona Daily Star

Arizona Daily Star reporter R.H. Ring spent 10 days posing as a maximum-security convict at Arizona's Florence State Penitentiary. Very few people in the prison system knew of his stay, not even Florence's warden.
Washington Post article titled, "Female Homosexuality Prevalent." Written by Ben Bagdikian as part of the Shame of the Prisons series.

"The Shame of the Prisons"- Ben Bagdikian - Washington Post

The result of three months of reporting and a week undercover in a Pennsylvania prison, this series examines the conditions, challenges, and systematic culture of the US prison system. Stories focus on California, Washington DC, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Washington Post article titled, "Drug Smuggling and Hot Goods: A Ride on Prison Visitors’ Buses." Written by Athelia Knight as part of the Lorton series.

"The Avenue to Lorton" - Athelia Knight - Washington Post

Althelia Knight visited Lorton Reformatory repeatedly to document the ease with which drugs were smuggled into the institution. The trip, about 1/2 hour, was usually undertaken in a van run by a private driver, usually operating without a permit. 

Shane Bauer

Shane Bauer is known for his daring undercover exposes, including his four-month turn as a private prison guard. The story, for Mother Jones,  won the reporting category in the National Magazine Awards of 2017.