Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "3 Are Indicted in Vote Fraud" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

Byline: George Bliss, Pamela Zekman; 1972-09-14; The Chicago Tribune; pages 1

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"A 46th Ward Democratic precinct captain, his wife and the wife of his assistant precinct captain were indicted by the county grand jury yesterday for voting from a precinct where they did not live during the March primary. . ." 

Description:This article reports on the first indictments after the Tribune revealed widespread vote fraud in the March 21st primary election. The three people indicted are accused of falsifying ballot applications and voting in a precinct where they did not live.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled,"3 Are Indicted in Vote Fraud." Written by George Bliss as part of the reaction to the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.