V-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Workers Fight to Save Jobs" - William Mullen and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

Vote Fraud Product of Patronage

Byline: William Mullen, William Currie; 1972-09-14; The Chicago Tribune; pages 2

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"It is not just loyalty to the Democratic Party which has spawned partisan election boards in many of Chicago's wards. More often than not, it is a matter of survival for the local Democratic precinct captains and patronage employees. The Tribune Task Force uncovered hundreds of election judges who violated election rules. Many did so out of ignorance, others, in order to survive the competitive patronage system. . ." 

Description:Task Force reporters Mullen and Currie explore reasons why fraud was so widespread in the poll judge certification process, concluding that not only were the judges motivated by Democratic loyalties but many precinct captains feared losing their jobs if they did not yield a high Democratic voter turnout.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Workers Fight to Save Jobs." Written by William Mullen and William Currie as part of a series on the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.