Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Kusper Reign Attacked" - George Bliss and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

Fraud at Polls Described to House Unit

Byline: George Bliss, William Currie; 1972-09-16; The Chicago Tribune; pages 2

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"A parade of witnesses before a special Illinois House subcommittee investigating massive vote fraud told of vote buying, forgeries, phony election judges, terror tactics, and the beating of a poll watcher in Chicago precinct polling places last March. . ." 

Description:The Tribune reports on hearings held by an Illinois House subcommittee charged with investigating the vote fraud in Chicago's March primary election. William Currie, the reporter who worked undercover as a clerk for the chairman of the Board of Election Commissioners also gives a brief account of the testimony of a Democrat serving as a Republican poll judge.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Kusper Reign Attacked." Written by George Bliss and William Currie as part of the reaction to the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.