VI-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Cracking Dem Sanctum" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

How Tribune Got Vote Fraud Story

Byline: William Currie; 1972-09-18; The Chicago Tribune; pages 2

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"It was a job nobody wanted. It was a vacancy for a $20-a-day Republican clerk in the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners office in City Hall. The likelihood of a Republican ever rising above a clerk's job in an office so dominated by Democrats is very dim; so it was not a a job many would seek. . ." 

Description:The Tribune reports on the experiences of reporter William Mullen, who pieced together evidence of vote fraud while working undercover as a Republican clerk in the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners office,

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Cracking Dem Sanctum." Written by William Currie as part of the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.