Byline: Chris Halsne; 2004-11-01; IRE Journal; pages 21
Report: Undercover Journalism Debated
". . .Our investigative producer, Bill Benson, went to work tracking down the most serious cases so we could add examples into our television story. He started with drunken driving and negligent driving cases. Remember: The data we received with our request was void of personal information. The computer did, however, give us a location of the traffic stop, time of day, a mile post, and even a notation if a citation was issued because of an accident. We could figure out which district or traffic court held the case file by mapping the mile post. After that, it was as simple as thumbing through files to spot notations by police that identified government cars involved. Sometimes the driver's 'occupation' field gave us solid leads as well. . ."
Description:Investigative report on public officials.
Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission. Courtesy of Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE).