"Chiquita Secrets Revealed" - Cameron McWhirter and Mike Gallagher - The Cincinnati Enquirer

Byline: Cameron McWhirter, Mike Gallagher; 1998-05-03; The Cincinnati Enquirer; 

Report: The Chiquita Banana Exposé - The Cincinnati Enquirer

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". . .Chiquita - alone among America's giant banana companies - has waged an international five-year campaign to overturn the EU's banana trade restrictions.  The restrictions are a complex system of tariffs and quotas that place limits on how many Central American bananes can be brought into Western Europe. The reason for the campaign is simple: The amount of profit that Chiquita realizes for its bananas is greater in Europe than anywhere else in the world. And Chiquita dominates the European market. . ."

Description:Investigative reporters, Cameron McWhirter and Mike Gallagher expose Chiquita Brand in a series stemmed from voice mail messages from the brand.

Rights: Copyrighted, permission pending.

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Investigative reporters, Cameron McWhirter and Mike Gallagher expose Chiquita Brand in a series stemmed from voice mail messages from the brand.