Letter of Introduction to the Pulitzer Prize Committee - Paul Steiger

Byline: Paul Steiger; 1995-01-23; Wall Street Journal; 

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"In 1994, Tony Horwitz didn't just write about the plight of America's working poor. He went to work himself, on the kill floor of chicekn plants in Mississippi and Arkanses. The result is a shocking expose of a world in which workers are maimed, degraded and discarded in exchange for a poverty wage. . ."

Description:Paul Steiger submits Tony Horwitz's "Nine to Nowhere," "Class Struggle" and "Getting Nowhere" for consideration for the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on national affairs.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

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paul Steiger submits Tony Horwitz's "Nine to Nowhere," "Class Struggle" and "Getting Nowhere" for consideration for the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on national affairs.