Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "U.S. to Widen Vote Probe" - Ronald Yates and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

Byline: Ronald Yates, William Mullen; 1972-09-11; The Chicago Tribune; pages 1

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"United States Atty. James R. Thompson said yesterday his office will widen its investigation of voting irregularities to include all wards and precincts were evidence compiled by The Chicago Tribune indicates fraud. Thompson vowed to end the widespread vote fraud as revealed in The Tribune's investigation of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners."

Description:The Tribune reports on the reaction of U.S. Attorney Thompson, who announced that his office will investigated all instances of fraud as revealed by The Chicago Tribune Task Force's investigation.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "U.S. to Widen Vote Probe." Written by Ronald Yates and William Mullen as part of the reaction to the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.