Sidebar: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Forgery Rampant in 7th Precinct, 24th Ward" - William Mullen and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

Byline: William Mullen, Pamela Zekman; 1972-09-11; The Chicago Tribune; pages Back page

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"The numerous forgeries found in the 7th Precinct of the 24th Ward were so crudely done that in many cases names were misspelled on the ballot applications. Donald Doud, a handwriting expert, identified 17 ballot applications in this precinct as being executed by the same writer."

Description:The Tribune Task Force reports that in the 7th precinct of Chicago's 24th Ward, handwriting experts identified at least 17 ballot applications as being forged by the same person.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Forgery Rampant in 7th Precinct, 24th Ward." Written by  William Mullen and Pamela Zekman about the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.